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Upcoming events:
Science for the People National Convention
February 2-4, 2018
Ann Arbor, MI
Join us for a 3 day event in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Co-Hosted by the University of Michigan,
The convention will be a meeting place for old and new members. We will discuss organization
by-laws and mission. We will have workshops and social events.
February 2-4, 2018
Ann Arbor, MI
Join us for a 3 day event in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Co-Hosted by the University of Michigan,
The convention will be a meeting place for old and new members. We will discuss organization
by-laws and mission. We will have workshops and social events.
Previous events:
Do Big Farms Make Big Flu? The agroeconomics of H5N2, Ebola and Zika
Tue 6:30 PM · Charlie Welcht; 9 ppl
Drawing from his new book, Big Farms Make Big Flu, evolutionary biologist Rob Wallace will explore the ways influenza and other pathogens emerge from an agriculture controlled by multinational corporations.
MIT 4 231
77 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA
Left Forum 2016
Sun 12 PM · Subrata; 2 ppl
Panel discussion examining the continuing close relationship between the Pentagon and the US universities with Hugh Gusterson, Ian Hansen, and Subrata Ghoshroy
365 5th Avenue
New York, NY
Merchants of Doubt Film Screening
Tue 7:30 PM ·Charlie, Ilias, Andrea, Paul, 10 ppl
A documentary screening and discussion examining PR tactics used to cast doubt on scientific research. The film is based on the book by Erik M. Conway and Naomi Oreskes
Ray and Maria Stata Center
32 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA
Mitigation Strategies for Climate Change in Venezuela - A conversation with Dr. Miriam Diaz
Fri 7 PM · Paul
A conversation with Dr. Miriam Diaz
President of Falcon State Institute for Research, Conservation, and Sustainable Development of Arid and Coastal Regions (INFALCOSTA), Venezuela
MIT 4 - 163
77 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA
One foot in, one foot out: The role of scientists as activists. A conversation with Richard Levins
Tue 6:30 PM · Charlie, Andrea, Bartolomeo; 22 ppl
One foot in, one foot out: A conversation with Richard Levins, John Rock Professor of Population Sciences, Harvard School of Public Health. We’ll explore how scientists can contribute to a better world while working within institutional constraints
MIT 4 - 253
77 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA
Bob Lange: Organizing for Power and Development
Tue 7 PM · Charlie, Andrea, Bartolomeo; 16 ppl
Bob Lange, former Professor of Physics at Brandeis University and Founding Member of Science for the People, offers his presentation "Organizing for Power and Development."
The presentation details his many years of work in East Africa with the International Collaborative.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
MIT Building 4-231
77 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA
Science at MIT: From the Cold War to the Climate Crisis
Tue 7 PM · Charlie, John, Chris, Bartolomeo, Andrea; 400+ppl
Noam Chomsky and Subrata Ghoshroy will discuss how scientific research at MIT has been affected for the past 50+ years by its relationship with outside funding agencies, in particular the US military.
MIT Building 10 - Room 250, 222
Memorial Drive,
Cambridge, MA
The Environmental Poisoning of Iraq: Why Academics Must Speak Out
Wed 6:30 PM · Charlie, Bartolomeo, Subrata; 33 ppl
Dr. Muhsin Al-Sabbak, an obstetrician at Basra Maternity Hospital, Iraq, and his Iranian colleague Dr. Mozhgan Savabieasfahani, an environmental toxicologist at the University of Michigan come to MIT. They’ll discuss recent increase in birth defects in Southern Iraq and evidence linking this increase to environmental pollution from U.S. munitions.
MIT 32 - 141
32 Vassar St.
Cambridge, MA
Mistakes in Science & Policy
Thu 6:30 PM · Charlie, Subrata, Paul; 13 ppl
The inevitability of error, and some ways of trying to minimize it: A talk by Richard Levins, John Rock Professor of Population Sciences, Harvard School of Public Health
MIT 66 - 144
25 Ames Street
Cambridge, MA